
arm7 projects with source code

  Takeoff Projects helps students complete their academic projects.You can enrol with friends and receive arm7 projects with source code kits at your doorstep. You can learn from experts, build latest projects, showcase your project to the world and grab the best jobs. This type of system is used to identify, track and monitor moving vehicles by extracting their number plates automatically using an ARM cortex controller. Due to the low cost, low power and increased portability, it can be used for commercial applications.This collision system is intended to perform the detection of the accident and to release of air bag in the time of accident by using ADXL sensor, GSM and GPS modules duly interfacing with ARM processor.A smart security surveillance system monitors and record human detection by overcoming the shortcomings of present IP (Internet Protocol) cameras by using the ARM Cortex M0 Processor including interface with Labview.The ARM family is the most advanced family of microcont